Thanks for purchasing The Forex Ninja Bot.
Please allow us 24 hours to setup your VPN & send you VPN login instructions.
We will email you VPN login details together with the setup instructions website with in 24 hours.
You can now join the exclusive members only Telegram group.
Follow the steps below to join the Telegram group.
Step 1. On Apple device go to app store, on android go to Google play store. Search for the Telegram App.)
Step 2. You need to download and install the Telegram App to your phone/ laptop or tablet.
Step 3. Open telegram on your device & setup your telegram as per the instructions & prompts
Step 4. You need to add me as a contact on Telegram. Alan Solarsh +27764577444
Step 5. Once you have done step 1, 2 step 4 above, come back to this message & click on the link below to join Telegram.
Step 2. You need to download and install the Telegram App to your phone/ laptop or tablet.
Step 3. Open telegram on your device & setup your telegram as per the instructions & prompts
Step 4. You need to add me as a contact on Telegram. Alan Solarsh +27764577444
Step 5. Once you have done step 1, 2 step 4 above, come back to this message & click on the link below to join Telegram.
Click this link below to join The Forex Ninja Bot Exclusive Members Group.
Please also send us a Whatsapp or telegram message telling us that you bought the bot.
Whatsapp = +27764577444
Phone = +27764577444
Telegram Handle =
Telegram = @ThePassiveIncomeGuru
Email =
Billing Info reminder
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, rather than a reference to this specific product.